Our clients entrust us to find the best person we can for their company. We go to great lengths to understand our clients’ business, company culture, needs, the details of the position, and then the skills, experience and personality traits that will best match the client’s criteria and objectives. All of this translates to a thorough, multi-step process on the candidate side of the equation.
Although there are quite a few steps here, let us assure you that we are professionals and know how to manage the process while being mindful of the candidate’s time and priorities.
Resume Review
When you are thinking about or looking for a new opportunity, we encourage you to send us your resume. All information is kept strictly confidential. Your resume allows us to see a snapshot of your work experience, and understand what types of positions you may be interested in. We are also happy to give feedback on your resume if you request it.
Phone, Skype or In-person Interview
Once we have reviewed your resume, we may conduct either a phone or Skype interview, or a face-to-face interview. This allows us to get to know more about you and your skills, experience, communication style, cultural attributes and your personal interests and objectives. We want to know your preferred geographical work location(s), level of position(s) you are seeking, and your current employment situation. After we learn a bit more about you, we will keep you in consideration for current and future positions that match your skill set.
More than just a Database…. while we do use a sophisticated computer database, we also use our personal connections, contacts, and match-making skills to bring jobs and employers together. We keep track of the types of positions you are interested in, and we will contact you if something becomes available. Recruiting isn’t simply matching a database profile to a position — it’s finding the right job fit for you. We never lose sight of this.
Position Discussion
Once we have discussed the various facets of the job, we will want to hear your thoughts as well. If you need any additional details or information, we will try to get it for you. If the opportunity sounds like it isn’t right for the next step in your career, we understand and will let you know about any future openings. If the job sounds like something that interests you, we will take the next steps.
Interview and References
Once Joe Produce Search has a suitable position, we will ask you to interview with us. At that point we will ask you some additional questions, and to the degree we’re able at that stage, provide you more information about the potential employer.
Job Interview, Offer and Negotiation
We will follow up with you and with the employer after the interviews to receive feedback and move the process forward. When the employer decides to present you an offer, Joe Produce Search is available for any questions. With years of produce placement experience, we maintain current salary and benefit information that we can discuss with you.
Joe Produce Search works as closely with you as you desire, from helping determine a salary that you feel is best for your experience level, to providing neutral negotiations for both the employer and candidate. This allows you to have an agent in the negotiation process that understands the full compensation and employment situation in which you are interested
Our role does not end once the offer is accepted. Joe Produce Search is available for any issues that might come up, including relocation, benefit questions and related items. When you start working with your new employer in your new position, we will stay in contact with you to allow a smooth transition on your career journey.